About The Maker

Christina Haron - lady silversmith, jewelry maker, sterling silver jewelry, turquoise jewelry, central oregon

Christina Haron - Owner/Silversmith

Growing up in Central Nevada, I had the pleasure of getting to see beautiful silverwork on the horses and people I was around daily.  From bits and spurs to rings and necklaces, whether at a branding or running into someone I knew in town, the sparkle of engraved silver and depth of color in turquoise always mesmerized me.  

After leatherworking for over 8 years, I finally decided to revisit the fascination I had with silver and turquoise.  I realized that truly handmade jewelry was becoming harder to find and as full-time CPA doing taxes, I needed all of the creative outlets I could find.  What better way to keep the fading western traditions alive then learn how to work silver and copper? We wont even mention my turquoise addiction...

Now I create beautiful pieces in my workshop on our small acreage in Central Oregon where I live with my husband and our three horses.  

I hope you enjoy my jewelry as much as I enjoy making it.